Blog 5- Island Time

Aloha everyone! This week is spring break, and man, it is fantastic playing on the island. So enjoyable, in fact, that I have played 2-3 hours strait each day, and trust me, it begins to hurt the hands to play so much.

Just one cool spot on the island
During all of this play time, I've been getting much better at songs that I already know, and introducing myself to new songs. I have completely mastered "The 12 Bar Blues", a simple song that is played through fingerpicking(for any past/present strings players, fingerpicking is like plucking). At the end of the song, there is a cool "blues riff", which I am pretty proud of myself for playing. On the topic of fingerpicking, I was able to make my own simple fingerpicking pattern. It is very simple(only about 12 notes), but it still makes me proud. There is really an awesome feeling when you create something that sounds good, a huge plus of learning the ukulele.

Also, I am getting quite good at "You've got a Friend in Me". Sadly, there is no way that I can master this song by the time of the talk, but I will definitely practice it a bunch once the project comes to a close. Other than that, this week has really been practice the songs I already know and plan for the talk, which I am starting to get pretty excited for.

Where I played in the Maritime Forest
Because I am on an island vacation, the ukulele is a fantastic little time waster. I have played on the beach, my back porch, and an awesome place deep in the "Maritime Forest". The third location I listed, in the forest, was the most interesting to me. Throughout the entire learning process, the ukulele was just a pastime that I found very cool. But when I was playing in the woods, it was something different than my usual playing. Maybe it was the serene marsh laid out in front of me, or the wind through the leaves, but playing my ukulele there just felt... "right". Maybe it seems a bit corny, but while playing there something came over me, and I just kept playing and playing. Heck, I probably had blisters on my fingers by the time I was done, but I couldn't care less. Well, on that slightly weird note, I'm gonna sign out. Expect another blog soon, everyone!

Lukas Ukulele


Jeremy S said...

I think I may have missed one of your posts, but even if I did than it seems like you have progressed a great amount in only two weeks. You seemed like you were struggling to only learn simple songs and now you are playing ones that sound like classics. I experienced a similar burst of skill over my vacation as well. I look forward to hearing you play!

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