Post 2, "The Expert"

Aloha! Today, I have received important news in my ukulele adventure. Another participant in the genius project, Ben C., has agreed to assist me with my learning. He will be the "expert" mentioned in the previous blog, and he had also commented on my previous post.

In his comment, he suggested that I should learn the ukulele through a very relaxed manner, where I test out random chords on the ukulele to find what sounds good to me. He also mentioned that in this way of playing I should switch chords that feel comfortable to me, and to let the music flow. This is especially important to me, because I had a problem with switching chords, and this will make it much smoother and easy to do so. I like the sound of this manner of learning, as it gives me a freedom in my learning, while still honing my skills. In addition to my lax style of learning, I will still pursue learning a specific song, as it will be a fair assessment of my skills while depicting a style of learning where it is structured.

In my practice for this post, I have been doing basic styles of learning, continuing to practice my hold of the ukulele and basic chords. I am going to begin practicing a song between this blog and the next, to see how practicing a song on the ukulele works. The first songs that I will try to pursue will be Hallelujah, I Wanna Be Like You(Jungle Book), and my final song to be played in the Ted Talk will be Somewhere over the Rainbow. Don't worry, these specific songs will not restrict me once I have learned them, as I intend to continue my learning and master more songs once I have learned these.
In general, my ukulele playing has been tough to do during the week. For this past week and next week, I am working on the sound board for the musical, which is going to take up much of my time on weekdays, so I will most likely get most of my practice done on weekends. In addition, this will probably cause me to meet with Ben on a weekend, which should merit me a large sum of time to be "tutored". Until next time, aloha!

The blogs I have commented on this week:
1. Ben's Bluegrass Blog
2. ERB Cinematography(Ethan B.)
3. I Got the Magic (Noah D.)

Works Cited
"Learn How to Play Ukulele." Ukulele Hunt RSS. Woodshed, n.d. Web. 28 Feb. 2013.

(P.S- I apologize for posting this after midnight, I was sick all day and I threw up each time I looked at the computer. Fun stuff.)


Susan said...

Lukas, I hope your project is going along well. I thought it was great that you have someone to help you learn the ukulele and I hope your progression continues. I really like how you were very specific in what Ben, your "expert", has been teaching you and how his tips/lessons have been benefiting you. For example, I really liked how you showed how he has been helping you by how transitioning between chords has been getting much easier. I hope everything continues to go well and smoothly!

John's Genius Project said...

Your project sounds good so far. Having Ben to help seems like it will be very worthwhile. A personal teacher will be much more beneficial than a book or website. I think that you should make a plan for what songs you will learn when. If you learn a song each week this will let you spend an adequate amount of time on each, and let you complete the desired amount of songs. Hopefully you will have some more time to practice, but your project seems to be going well.

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