Post Six- Wrapping it Up

Aloha everyone!

Since vacation, I have done some ukulele playing, but not a ton. However, because it is easter, my family has come over to visit, so I had quite a crowd to play to. Before now, the only one that I have played my ukulele in front of is my baby sister, who would rather rip the strings off than listen to me play. So, playing in front of the 15-or-so people was a major breakthrough for me, seeing as I plan to play in my final presentation. Other than that, however, the past few days have been rather uneventful for my learning, just more practicing.

As you may know, this week contains my "Ted Talk", where I will talk a bit about my experience in the last six weeks. Because of this, the blog that you are reading quite possibly may be the last of my ukulele adventure. However, I do intend to continue learning the ukulele, so there is a small possibility that I may update every now and then, with the blog being a sort of journal for my experience. Anyway, if this is my final blog, thank you for following in my "Ukulele Adventure", learning an instrument that I actually like has been fantastic, and I will most definitely continue pursuing it as time goes on. Possibly for the last time,

-Lukas Ukulele


Susan said...

Lukas, I'm glad you are getting better at the ukulele! I remember you were one of the first blog posts that I commented on, and it is evident in how you have increased in your knowledge. You have been very descriptive in all of your blog posts and your voice can be heard through all of your blog posts. I'm hoping you will be able to show a wonderful product at the TED Talk and show off your ukulele skills! I wish you good luck and I am definitely looking forward to your TED Talk.

Eric said...

Yeeah Lukas! I've grown up with a strong love for ukelele and I was afraid that this tiny tropical instrument was dying out because it wasn't "cool" enough... or maybe I was just over-exaggerating to myself. I'm very glad that you took up this tiny instrument because I too love the ukelele. I actually hope you play this instrument during the TED Talk!
(Playing Somewhere Over the Rainbow by Israel K would be nice:D)

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